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        No. Item Specification
        1 Appearance White oralmost white crystalline powder
        2 Identification IR:  corresponds to the standard
        UV:  corresponds to the standard
        3 Specific optical rotation(º) 1.0% methanol(20ºC), +96 - +100
        3 Assay (%)(dry bass) 99.0-101.0
        4 Water(%) ≤0.5
        5 Sulphated ash(%) ≤0.1
        6 Related substances(HPLC)(%) impurity A ≤0.1
        impurity B ≤0.1
        impurity C ≤0.1
        Max individual impurity ≤0.1
        Total impurities ≤0.5
        7 Heavy Metals(as Pb)(ppm) ≤20
        8 Residual solvent(%) 2-butanone ≤0.5